Friday, March 18, 2011

CLOSED - #43: Reality on the Go Reality Check Session by IRINA AVTSIN


Item #43: Reality on the Go Reality Check Session by IRINA AVTSIN ($180 value)

The idea is simple: No one would buy a house without having an inspection and an assessment first. People do not ask their buddies to stop by and take a guess whether there are termites in the house or not – they hire and independent third party professional to make an assessment and evaluation. Yet, with other important decisions, such as relationships, career, education and many more – this is exactly what people do. They consult with friends and relatives, who are biased by nature of being friends and oftentimes have the same “blind spots”. This is where reality check comes in. I help my clients to evaluate their decision and/or situation, find “blind spots” affecting those decisions and make her client more aware of those blind spots. Not an easy, task - there is a reason we don’t see what we don’t want to see!

For more info about Irina Avtsin and Let's Do a Reality Check, visit and

Bid on this item by leaving your email address and bid amount in the comments below. Auction ends at 11:59 p.m. EST, Thursday, 3/24/2011.

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