Wednesday, March 16, 2011

CLOSED - #1: 10-Page Critique + Character Name in Future Book or Novella by KRISTIE COOK


Item #1: 10-Page Critique + Your name (or one of your choosing) in one of the upcoming installments of Kristie Cook's Soul Savers Series

Donated by the author, Kristie Cook will critique up to 10 pages of your manuscript PLUS name one of her characters after you! She is currently working on the third installment (release: early 2012) of the Soul Savers Series and on a series-related novella (release: Fall 2011). You can find her at and learn more about her books at

Bid on this item by leaving your email address and bid amount in the comments below. Auction ends at 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday, 3/20/2011.